DEVASWOM BOARD(Category No:41/2020) Rank List Published
The following list contains the names of the candidates found suitable on the basis of the result of the Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) held on 29/08/2021 for selection to the post of CLERK on Rs 19000-43600 in MALABAR DEVASWOM BOARD(Category No:41/2020) arranged in the order of merit.The Select List is brought into force with effect from 22/12/2021 The Select List will be in force till the publication of a new Select List after the expiry of a minimum period of one year or till the expiry of three years whichever is earlier. Candidate will be advised for appointment in accordance with the rules and orders regarding reservation and rotation as amended from time to time, if applicable, against vacancies reported to the Board during the pendency of this list. As the advice for appointment depends on the occurrence of vacancies, there is no guarantee that all candidates included in the list will secure appointment. The candidates remaining in the list at the time of cancellation will have no claim at all for appointment on the basis of the inclusion of their names in the list.
According to the existing procedure, re-valuation of answer scripts is not allowed. But answer scripts will be re-checked if prescribed fee of Rs.150/- (Rupees One hundred and fifty only) is remitted directly to the office of the Kerala Devaswom Recruitment Board, Thiruvananthapuram or by Money order in favour of the Secretary Kerala Devaswom Recruitment Board, Ayurveda College Junction, Thiruvananthapuram 695001. Application for re-checking of the answer scripts should be submitted in the prescribed form available free of cost from the enquiry section of the office of the Board or down-loaded and printed in A4 size paper from the Board Website or photocopied there from. The details of payment of the prescribed fee should be noted in the application for re-checking.
Valid applications for re-checking addressed to the Secretary, Kerala Devaswom Recruitment Board should reach this office within 30 days from the date on which Select List is officially released by the Board. Application for rechecking received after the prescribed time limit or not in the prescribed form will not be entertained. Applications for rechecking received from candidates whose answer scripts have been invalidated will not be considered. The fee once remitted will not be refunded. In the case of candidates who send applications for re-checking in the prescribed form within the
prescribed time limit , the marks awarded will be re-checked and the result of the re-checking will be intimated to the candidates from this office.Candidates who wish to obtain a photocopy of their OMR answer sheet Part A and Part B relating to this selection shall remit a fee of Rs. 300/- directly to the office of the Kerala Devaswom Recruitment Board, Thiruvananthapuram or by Money order in favour of the Secretary Kerala Devaswom
Recruitment Board, Ayurveda College Junction, Thiruvananthapuram 695001.
The duly filled up application in the prescribed form (available from the office of the Board or from Board Website , noting the details of payment should be submitted to the Secretary, Kerala Devaswom Recruitment Board within one month from the date of official publication of the Select List. A copy of the answer sheet will be issued only once to a candidate. Copies of OMR sheet invalidated due to any defect will not be issued. Candidates are prohibited from applying for a copy of answer sheet which is not their own, and legal proceedings will be initiated against those who do so.In the Select List the entries relating to communities are put based on the communities specified by the candidates in their application forms and proved by them with necessary documents. The candidates whose communities have not been correctly noted in the list as proved by them in their application should intimate the fact to the Secretary, Kerala Devaswom Recruitment Board within one month from the date of publication of this list to get the benefit of reservation to which they are entitled to. In the absence of timely information regarding discrepancies if any, the candidates will be advised as incorporated in the list.
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