ലേബർ ഇന്ത്യ ഇനി മൊബൈലിൽ ലഭിക്കും  Labour India Mobile Application -Online Magazine

Safari Multimedia Private Limited offered Labour India Mobile Application for Students.

The year 1983 witnessed Labour India stepping up into the exciting world of educational publications. The tiny seedling planted by Mr. George Kulangara, the founder Chairman, has now grown into a mighty banyan tree. Having started with a single magazine in 1983, it now produces 30 specialized educational journals ranging from the Primary level to the Higher Secondary level courses - all to quench the thirst of the student, teacher and parent communities and to win their hearty admiration. Labour India Publications Ltd. was transformed into Labour India Educational Research Centre under the leadership of Mr. Santhosh George Kulangara, the Manging Director of Labour India Group, and it was inaugurated by the former President of India Dr. K.R. Narayanan on March 19, 2004.

Labour India Educational Research Centre (LIERC) makes use of the talents of eminent educationists, scientists, gifted children’s writers, highly experienced teachers, graphic designers and so on - all putting their heads together under the same roof. It is a state-of-the-art Educational Research Centre where about 250 experts work together to shape educational journals, educational aids, reference books, Multimedia products, Online educational services, and the Labour India Yearbook for the eternally curious whizz - kids. Labour India’s educational journals aim at students ranging from the primary to the higher secondary levels as well as their teachers and parents. It is for such a diverse panorama of readers that Labour India brings out 30 educational journals that reach 1.6 million readers every month. Download
Nowadays our educational scenario is on the verge of rapid development and growth. LIERC is fully conscious that the essence of education is the moulding of every student into a worthy citizen by discovering and developing the latent talents in them. LIERC is obliged to equip the students helping them to meet all the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Keeping pace with such changes, LIERC conducts Smart Camps for students. Smart Camp is one of the many programmes of LIERC conducted with a view to develop each and every child into an individual with great personality. The Smart Camp is aimed at discovering, awakening and nurturing the inherent talents of children. The children in this camp are trained by a 40-member team that includes eminent trainers and educationists. Every year, thousands of children participate in these camps.
The accomplishment of the reforms and developments in the field of education necessitates the training and enlightening of our teachers and updating them on the latest trends in the field. This should be a continuous process that will enable them to keep pace with the changes in the objectives, curriculum, evaluation and so on, and to give the right kind of guidance to the students in the most effective way. They must be able to enjoy the mission they have taken up and must be aware of the ever-expanding horizon of information and knowledge that lie ahead. Labour India Educational Research Centre equips our teachers with all the above requirements and much more as occasions demand.

  • Labour India Publications Limited Labour India Complex, Marangattupilly, Kottayam,
  • (+91) 8086 397 887, 9526 010 548, 9447 755 530
    (+91 4822) 251 066, 252 066
The Labour India Rural Employment Programme (LIREP) is a project aimed at providing employment to rural women. There are 3000 members working in this project, and they lead a happy life by earning income by supplying Educational Journals, books and other educational products developed by Labour India Educational Research Centre to rural households. The LIREP members, which include mostly housewives, have attained new levels of meaning to their life.

The Labour India magazine is available on the official website https://www.labourindia.com/

ലേബർ ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ഓൺലൈൻ മാസികയും പ്രിന്റ്ഡ് മാസികയും ഇവിടെ ബുക്ക്‌ ചെയ്യാം

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The essence of education is made digital through the Labour India mobile app.

About App 

With the whole world of knowledge brought under a single roof, students can now access the unlimited educational aids from Labour India anywhere anytime through the app. The app covers the entire range of publication across grades, in both Malayalam and English. The masterminds across the globe come together to curate the educational information that helps students to adapt to the ever-evolving world of knowledge. With the introduction of Labour India mobile app, we intend to multiply the already existing 1.6 million reader base per month.

The user-friendly interface and interactive designs make it even more attractive for the students. The app has an inbuilt pdf reader that allows the readers to access the information without exiting the app. Prefer hard copies over soft copies? Labour India app allows you to order your books through the app the and the integrated payment gateway makes it even easier for the users.

             Download App

  • Labour India Publications Limited Labour India Complex, Marangattupilly, Kottayam,
  • (+91) 8086 397 887, 9526 010 548, 9447 755 530
    (+91 4822) 251 066, 252 066


  1. മലയാളം മീഡിയം സ്കൂളിൽ പഠിക്കുന്ന എന്റെ കുട്ടിക് കിട്ടൂലെ ഞങ്ങൾ പാവപ്പെട്ടവരാണ്


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